Medical case management system implementation

Transforming the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) case management system through user-centric design
Therapeutic Goods Administration
Government, Healthcare, Regulation
The TGA's case management system, a maze of outdated applications, burdened staff with repetitive tasks, massively delayed reviews, and increased error risks. This jeopardised patient safety and operational efficiency, prompting the need for a modern, user-centric solution.
My role
As lead UX designer, I spearheaded the project through in-depth user research. I crafted 10 aggregated user personas to represent diverse stakeholders and their needs. I mapped out each of their user journeys, and tasks. I then designed and iterated on high-fidelity prototypes, ensuring accessibility and compliance. Throughout the process, I collaborated closely with the TGA team to ensure the solution aligned with their vision.
Working alongside the TGA, I aimed to establish a user-centric foundation for a future-proof case management system, reducing processing time, enhancing collaboration tools, and ensuring intuitive navigation for all stakeholders.
The user-centric redesign delivered tangible benefits. The prototype demonstrated potential for a 20% reduction in processing times, freeing up staff resources and improving efficiency. Enhanced collaboration tools fostered seamless communication and information sharing, leading to faster and more informed decisions. The accessible design ensured inclusivity for all users, while the future-proof foundation paves the way for scalability and adaptation to evolving needs. While Phase 2 remains uncertain, this project laid the groundwork for a transformative shift towards a user-friendly, efficient, and adaptable case management system for the TGA.
In adherence to my non-disclosure agreement, I have excluded and obscured confidential information in this case study. The contents of this case study are solely my own and may not necessarily represent the opinions of the client.

Problem identification

Understanding the landscape

Fragmented system:
Existing case management relied on a complex system of disconnected spreadsheets, paper processes, and legacy programs. This caused:
Disengaged users:
Stakeholders across all levels faced significant frustrations with the system, including:
"As an application evaluator, I spend hours digging through papers and spreadsheets. It's like trying to solve a mystery, and half the clues are missing. A unified system with real-time data would save me so much time and frustration." – Dr Sarah Jones, Clinical evaluator
"Tracking case progress with the current system is like watching paint dry. You never know where things are stuck, and communication with colleagues is a constant game of phone tag. We need a system that lets us collaborate and see the bigger picture." – David Lee, Case manager
Lack of user-centric design:
The existing system did not consider user needs, leading to:
"Submitting applications through the TGA portal is like navigating a maze blindfolded. It's confusing, clunky, and I'm never sure what is supposed to happen next. A user-friendly portal would so helpful for applicants." – Lisa Williams, External applicant
Limited scalability:
The system lacked the capacity to adapt to the TGA's evolving needs and the growing volume of casework.
UX workshop photo with participants writing on post-it-notes on a wall.
The heuristic review process of the existing systems

User research and design principLEs

User-centric design foundation

Conducted in-depth research through:
"I want a system that talks to me, not the other way around. Constant data entry and manual updates is killing my productivity. Give me automated tasks, real-time dashboards, and instant access to case histories. Then, I can focus on what matters most – patient safety and quality evaluations." – Dr Peter Miller, Clinical evaluator
Defined a set of user-centric design principles to guide the solution:
"Communication and collaboration are key, but the current system is like a black hole. We need seamless information sharing between internal teams, external experts, and applicants. A central hub with secure messaging, document sharing, and activity trails would be a game-changer for streamlined decision-making." – Emily Garcia, Application support team lead
Aggregated persona for Case Managers.Aggregated persona for the Application Support Team.Aggregated persona for Evaluators.Aggregated persona for Decision Makers.
4 of the 10 aggregated personas that were identified in the research phase

Design and iteration

Prototyping & iterative refinement

For the prototype, we:
A UI screen of a prototype mockup template.A UI screen of a prototype mockup template.A UI screen of a prototype mockup template.A UI screen of a prototype mockup template.
High-fidelity UI templates leveraging and extending on the Health Design System

Deliverables and roadmap

Phase 1 deliverables & phase 2 roadmap

Bringing the vision to life: Prototyping a user-centric portal
Following the established design principles, we translated user needs into a tangible solution through the development of a high-fidelity, interactive desktop portal prototype. This prototype served as a crucial bridge between abstract concepts and the envisioned future state, allowing stakeholders to experience the redesigned system firsthand and provide valuable feedback for further refinement. We did this by delivering:
Phase 2 Delivery Roadmap: A Handoff for the Future
While Phase 2 remains unconfirmed, this roadmap offers a clear handoff point for future developers.
Post review workshop with 2 team members reviewing a whiteboard.
Post project review workshop


Learning & insights

Learning from the TGA Case Study: A First-Hand Perspective


From Fragmented to Future-Ready

This case study demonstrates the power of user-centric design in transforming complex systems. Extensive research, including stakeholder interviews, journey mapping, and usability testing, revealed user pain points and informed the development of a prototype that addressed key needs: streamlined workflows, real-time information access, enhanced collaboration, and intuitive interface. While Phase 2 remains uncertain, a detailed roadmap ensures a smooth transition for future development and continuous improvement based on user feedback and data-driven insights. This project emphasises the value of prioritising user needs, iterative prototyping, and collaboration for successful system transformation.